

Chelsea Myers

Chelsea lives in New England with their partner and two daughters. They have dedicated their life to working with children and families in Special Education as well as volunteering at a Pediatric Oncology Camp. 

Chelsea suffered from multiple postpartum mental health disorders, but after the birth of their second child, their symptoms became extremely acute. They felt isolated and discouraged at the lack of resources available specific to their needs.

They did extensive research into programs and support groups before deciding to create a space for parents and caregivers to unite and tell their own stories.

They are now dedicated to widening the lens on postpartum mental health disorders in hopes that parents are able to feel seen, heard, and supported.



Claude Racine

In a patriarchal society that suggests women can’t have it all, Claude Racine-Valinksy is living proof they can. An outspoken advocate for women’s empowerment and wellness, Claude is leveraging her platform as an accomplished dancer, sought-after social media influencer and transformational personal coach to help women around the world harness the power of their own agency and accept responsibility for creating a life they love. 

In 2020, at the height of a wildly successful career, Claude found herself suddenly unemployed and at the mercy of a global pandemic that crippled the entertainment industry. Simultaneously, she privately battled postpartum depression following the birth of her first son, as well as a crushing Hashimoto’s disease diagnosis and an unprecedented 35 pound weight gain. Forced to pivot both personally and professionally,

Corrie Logiudice

Corrie LoGiudice helps women in the workforce transform overwhelm into the action necessary to become confident leaders, no matter their circumstances. 

As a business strategist, high-performance coach and professional keynote speaker, Corrie has been featured in major media outlets such as TEDx, Girlboss, Business Insider, Thrive Global, and the Mighty.

Drew N

  • Father who believes in honesty, fairness, and giving yourself grace
  • PMAD & Mental Health Survivor
  • Wants you to know that it’s ok to ask for help, and that there will be better days


Jess K

  • CLC, PMH-C, CPT, Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, Certified Infant Sleep Coach
  • Passionate about Perinatal Mental Health and Preparing for Postpartum
  • Making a positive impact in the birthing community and hopes to further her education

Sasha & Alex of Thrive After Baby

We're Sasha and Alex

We’re licensed therapists, colleagues, and moms who are passionate about getting parents the help they need to navigate life after baby.

Because no matter how strong your relationships were before, how many “what to expect” books you read, or how prepared you were to bring your baby home—this sh!t is hard.

And if your experience is anything like ours, you’re wondering if you are going to make it through the first year.

We’ve got good news.
You can. And you will.

And we’ll show you how.

With practical strategies and support for every challenge, expected and unexpected, we’ll help you get your life back.

Let’s do this together.

Tessia Watson

A single mother of two young kids, Tessia quickly learned that parenting is the most amazing experience but can also be unbearably tough without the right support. Recognising her own need, Tessia embarked on a journey to support other mothers and enrich the lives of their children with the creation of ‘Les Petits Bellots’, a bilingual crèche that is free from the obligations that make the traditional UK childcare so inflexible and inaccessible for most parents.